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Reflections from a big trip

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Regardless of the reason, taking a big trip is every travelers’ right of passage. There are myriad lessons learned from the experience. It starts with planning, pre-trip concerns, packing to what to do when you return. This article seeks to help you in navigating the hustles of long-term travel. It gets you to the direction towards your most anticipated life-changing travel. Here is a reflection of what time on the road can teach you.

Staying safe on a big trip

Before your first travel abroad, people will always talk to you about the funny ways they get robbed. You arrive at your international destination expecting all forms of robbery. When walking on the streets or hopping on the train, you always eye the people across the streets convinced that they were thieves. When any of them moves towards you, you brace yourself in case they try to rob you. With all these suspicions over other people, we tend to move around in fear rather than caution. It is important to be careful and watch out. However, when fear is built in us, we lose out on the fun that comes with that big trip. Sometimes we push away what would have been awesome new friends out of suspicion.

Traveling with friends

Sometimes what begins as a casual chat with a friend about wishes to visit a certain destination ends up in reality. Traveling with a friend is awesome. You have someone familiar to chat with, share a meal or a room and even lean on in times of challenges. It is not always smooth though. Spending virtually all the time together causes patience to grow thin at times. Additionally, it can get frustrating when one party gets unwell. It gives you the responsibility of watching over them. It stops you from exploring the places you would have gone to were you alone. On the flip side, getting sick knowing you have a close friend is reassuring.


We all have expectations of the places we are going to visit. Some of them can ruin our trips if they are negative stereotypes of the countries of destination. While some of these stereotypes are self-acquired, others are fed to us by friends. They make you believe that your first few minutes in a new place would be terrifying. On the contrary, you arrive at your destination to find a peaceful and calm environment. You find your way easily with less hustle and meet friendly people on the way. Expecting too much from a place can also be disappointing. When you expect to find heaven on earth and lock that in your mind becomes a source of frustration. Definitely, you will find a different picture. Remaining open-minded is a better way of enjoying your trip.

After a big trip, sometimes you might have post travel depression. This article can be a good read to help you with a down mood you might of aquired.